(904) 284-4480

Moving Money from Trust to Operating in QuickBooks®

The biggest mistake I see attorneys make while using QuickBooks® for Trust Accounting is trying to get money from the Client Trust Account to the Law Firm Operating Account. If not done correctly, this can cause a major issue for your Client Trust Account Reports. Don’t make the mistake of just writing a check out […]

Attorneys can Track Time, Retainers, Conflicts and More using QuickBooks®

QuickBooks® is the number one small business accounting software and for good reason. It is easy to use and reasonably priced. QuickBooks® can do the following things that Attorneys generally need: Track Billable and Non Billable Time – QuickBooks® has a great Time Tracking feature. An attorney can track their billable and non billable time […]

Sample Chart of Accounts for Law Firms

Here is a link to two sample chart of accounts that Attorneys can use for their Law Firms. The Medium size chart of accounts was modeled after the American Bar Association.https://attorneystechnology.com/resources/forms-and-letters

Can Lawyers Use QuickBooks®?

The answer is Yes. QuickBooks® is the number one small business accounting software and for good reason. It is easy to use and reasonably priced. It allows you to keep track of your Trust account, Retainers, Billable Time, Clients and Income and Expenses. The key is choosing the right version for your law practice and […]

My Customer List in QuickBooks® is Sorted Wrong on Reports

I got a call from one of my clients and she was so frustrated because her customer list was sorted wrong on her aging report and customer sales report. I couldn’t figure out what she could have done so I had to see for myself. YEP it was messed up. This is how you fix […]